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The Women's Association is a very active group in the church.
This group of women prepare and serve many meals throughout the year. For over twenty five years, before the pandemic, they served the Licking Valley Lions Club dinners. Part of their ministry is to prepare and offer a meal following a funeral within the church.

One of the primary ministries of the association is the annual Holly Bazaar held in November at the church. Hand-crafted items are made by various crafters throughout the year and sold along with homemade cookies, candies, canned items, pies, and noodles. Lunch is provided by donation to those who are shopping. Funds raised from the bazaar and deli help fund the many missions including those within the church, local community, and larger world. In addition to the bazaar the Women's Association hosted a community "Ladies Night Out" quarter auction in the fall of 2023.
The Women's Association strives to serve the community through mission work, as well as gathers in fellowship throughout the year.
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