Christian spirituality is the journey of living out a life having encountered Jesus Christ. This can happen in a variety of ways ranging from attending worship, personal devotions, fellowship, art, music, or Bible study. Our hope at Hanover Presbyterian Church is to help you find away to follow that sacred path.

"Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth." Psalm 96:1
At Hanover Presbyterian Church our hearts long to sing out to God because music is an essential piece of our spirituality. We are continually finding ways to engage all ages and varied levels of musical experience into the life of our worship. From a full choir, handbells, and the occasional children's choir, all the way to a Pentecost drum circle, we are inviting the Spirit to move through us in the form of a melody.
We invite anyone who feels called to share their voice or instrument playing to let us know!
9 AM (Sep-May)
One of the best ways to follow Jesus is to know who he was as he was revealed in Scripture. Between September and May we offer weekly adult Bible studies on Sunday mornings as well as children's Sunday school classes. We also periodically offer additional midweek classes during special church seasons.

We love every age that joins us for worship and recognize that spiritualities develops in different ways as we grow. Seeking to support all developmental ages we provide the Toddler Chapel as a space with intentional toys that tell the biblical story and tools of our faith. Children ages 5 and under are welcome to play and grow spiritually during worship in this sacred space.